"No matter who you are, where you live, where you’re from, how old you are or what your financial situation is, this is achievable. Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that our purpose is somewhere ‘out there’, perhaps a few years away after we’re a little older or more qualified. But nothing could be further from the truth! Your purpose is here and now - today."
If you’ve been around Christian circles long enough, you’ve probably heard the term, ‘calling’. If you haven’t, don’t stress! The word is used to describe what we’re on the earth for; what we’re meant to do with our wild & wonderful lives. So how do we find it? You may feel like you’ve been playing an endless game of hide & seek and your ‘calling’ is nowhere to be found. Hey, it’s incredibly normal. While some have a real sense of what they’re meant to do with their life from a young age, most people are just figuring it out along the way. You’re not alone.
First, let me preface that I believe each and every one of you are on this earth for a reason. You are not a mistake and you’re not here without a purpose. If God didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be here. He is the very source of the breath in your lungs - the very sustainer of your life.
Second, I believe your purpose (or ‘calling’) can be summed up in 2 simple things: Love God and love others. These are the two Greatest Commandments in the Bible, and they provide the perfect framework for your purpose or calling in life.
“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment." MATTHEW 22:37-38
I can’t skip this one, as I believe it is absolutely foundational. I don’t know what you believe about God or what your experience has been with Christians or church. But if I may be so bold to say, you were created to live in relationship with God. Christianity is not about saying a prayer and going to heaven. It’s about restoring us back to the way God intended and created us to live before sin entered the world, through Jesus Christ. You were created by Him and for Him. You were created to love Him and be loved by Him - first and foremost, before you DO anything.
So what does it look like to love God? Live in relationship with Him. Speak with Him, listen to Him, read about Him, worship Him, give thanks to Him, spend time with Him, seek Him, exalt Him. In all that you do.
If this is something you’re still exploring or you have questions about God or Christianity, I would be honoured to come along that journey with you. You can DM me on Instagram (@tessbutler156), or send me an email here.
"And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbour as yourself'. All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments." MATTHEW 22:39-40
I love how simple this is. No matter who you are, where you live, where you’re from, how old you are or what your financial situation is, this is achievable. Sometimes we fall into the trap of thinking that our purpose is somewhere ‘out there’, perhaps a few years away after we’re a little older or more qualified. But nothing could be further from the truth! Your purpose is here and now - today. In this VERY moment, as you read this, you have an opportunity to live out your core purpose. Today.
And the more that we think about our purpose being ‘out there’, the less achievable it becomes. For how do we know when we’re there? How do we know when we’ve made it? Is it when we’re qualified enough? Earning enough? Helping enough? Doing enough? Old enough? The goal posts are constantly pushed further away.
No matter if you’re working in your first job, your dream job or you hate job; No matter if you’re 13, 30 or 60; No matter if you dropped out of high school or you’ve got your PHD; No matter if you feeling like you’re sinking or thriving; Your purpose is to love God and love others TODAY.
How this outworks will look different in different seasons of your life. Perhaps you have a dream of running a business in the future. You’re not living out your purpose any less NOW than you will be when your business is THRIVING! In Part 2 of this blog we’re going to unpack a little further how you might go about this a little more specifically - with an understanding of YOU - how you, specifically, are wired.
And finally, I’m a huge believer in partnering with God in your calling and purpose. God is not a dictator shouting down from heaven every single move you need to make! He wants your input, He wants to know your dreams & desires, what’s on your heart & mind. Often when I ask the Lord what He wants me to do, He comes back with, “what do YOU want to do?” Many times He leaves choices and decisions up to us. Don’t stress about which one is right and which one is wrong - if God gives you options, they’re often all good and He simply desires to give you the freedom to choose. You can trust that God will guide you and keep you from going down a bad path if you’re seeking Him.
If you're looking for some extra help in the areas of identity, purpose & health, I'd love to come alongside you! We have a 6-week life coaching program called, "UNLOCKING THE DREAM" which is designed to help you uncover your identity (understand how you're wired, your strengths, gifts & passions), discover your purpose (start dreaming for your future, set goals and take action towards your dreams), and recover your health (create lasting healthy habits, design your dream morning routine & learn practical tips and strategies to be healthy physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and relationally). If this makes you excited in any way, why don't you jump on a free 15 minute call HERE to get you started!
Keep an eye out for Part 2 coming soon!
Love, T. xo