“Have you ever wanted a new mind because the one you have feels broken? Struggle changing thought patterns that come as quick as a summer holiday memory, but get you unstuck? Instead of having a happy memory, you are suddenly so angry, anxious or fearful of what might happen?”
Have you ever googled a “how to: guide for the mind”? Wouldn’t it be great to go to the supermarket and get a new one! But guess what? There is a way you can transform the one you have! How incredible is the human brain! One minute you can be at work focused on what you are doing – but the next minute transported to a whole other place. Just the smell of a familiar thing, say liquorice, and I can tap into a childhood memory of eating liquorice ice cream. Have you ever wanted a new mind because the one you have feels broken? Struggle changing thought patterns that come as quick as a summer holiday memory, but get you unstuck? Instead of having a happy memory, you are suddenly so angry, anxious or fearful of what might happen? There are several things you can do to help your mind be less triggered and be in a healthy place such as: thinking positive, getting good sleep, exercising, professional counselling to overcome trauma, reading books that help your build up self-worth, and, of course, eating healthy, balanced food to get essential vitamins and minerals that the brain and body needs. But I bet if you are like me when you have tried to change the way you think, you can only get so far. So what can you do? There are many scriptures in the Bible that focus on the mind. One, in particular, is in the book of Romans and it points to not being stuck in the focus and thoughts of superficial values, society and cultural trends. But instead, be transformed and progressively changed through focusing on Godly values and ethics through a collaboration with Jesus Christ. Similar to when you see a counsellor and talk about what is troubling you, they often give you some tools to get you thinking healthier. When we accept Jesus in our life, He then gives us our own counsellor, who can guide us into a more peaceful and healthy thought life. He is the inner voice that gets our conscience to want to do good or the right thing – instead of the wrong thing. When we do what we know is right, there is a peace that comes and this helps transform our mindset. The more that we focus on and experience the goodness of God, this helps us to become free from toxic thinking and also releases the ability to forgive others who have hurt or damaged us. This releases healing in our hearts which is linked to our thoughts, and which will then renew your mind.
Tanya XO