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Top Tips for Effective Leadership

“Sometimes leadership can be confused for power and the ability to be able to control others or boss people around. But in fact, leadership is almost entirely the opposite thing. To be an effective leader actually means to be a good SERVANT. It means that you lay your life down in order to SERVE others.”

I believe we’re all leaders in one way or another. You might not even realise, but people are always watching to see how you live your life – and the words you speak and the way you act show those around you what you stand for. You have an opportunity to shine forth and lead others simply by what you say and do!

Sometimes leadership can be confused for power and the ability to be able to control others or boss people around. But in fact, leadership is almost entirely the opposite thing. To be an effective leader actually means to be a good SERVANT. It means that you lay your life down in order to SERVE others. It means to think of others above yourself, to graciously give of yourself and your life without complaint.

Here are some top tips for effective leadership!

1. MAKE EVERYONE YOU MEET FEEL SIGNIFICANT AND IMPORTANT. Everybody deserves to feel like a somebody. Sadly, not everybody is treated like a somebody. But you can be the example for others to follow!

  • Remember people’s names – nothing makes me feel more known than when I meet someone and the next time they see me they know my name and use it in conversation!

  • Celebrate people and their achievements. Take them out for dinner or coffee, buy them flowers or bake them a cake. No stress if you can’t spend money, be generous in your words and write them a letter.

  • Be extravagant in your praise of people. If someone shares something exciting with you, give them more than just a “cool, good job.” Congratulate them, share their success as if it were your own! Be excited, don’t move on too soon, give them the moment they deserve. Treat them the way you would want to be treated in that situation.

2. BE INTERESTED IN OTHER PEOPLE. Ask questions, listen well. A conversation takes two people…don’t be that person where others can’t get a word in because you’ve spoken about yourself for the last 3 hours!

  • Give people your full attention. There’s nothing worse than when you’re having a conversation with someone and their eyes are darting elsewhere, they’re pulling out their phone and giving IT their full attention the moment they receive a message…and they’re clearly not interested in what you have to say! This doesn’t say to the person you’re with that you value them. Turn your phone on silent and leave it in your bag if you need to – but give the person in front of you more attention than what’s on your screen.

3. BE POSITIVE, ENCOURAGING AND UPLIFTING. There’s absolutely a time and place for getting something off your chest or sharing how you’re really feeling with a close and trusted friend. But not everyone needs to hear all the juicy details about your bad day at work. Make sure you have a close group of friends or a mentor you can speak to about those things, but when you’re around other people, focus on them and bring life and encouragement to the conversation.

  • Brighten other people’s day. Whether it’s a word of encouragement, a compliment, a thoughtful gift, an act of love or even simply a smile. Make it your goal that every time you have an interaction with someone, they leave feeling better than when they came in.

  • Believe in others. There’s a time and place to be honest and speak the truth in love. But it’s so important as a leader to come alongside people in their goals, dreams and pursuits. When someone tells you something they’re believing for, be excited! Believe IN them and believe WITH them. Have faith, encourage them, hold them accountable.

4. AND FINALLY, RESPECT EVERYONE. Don’t gossip, don’t speak down on people. Instead, use your words to build up. Stand up for others and give grace generously. Give people the time and love they need and deserve.

Tess XO



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